Saturday, October 9, 2004

Look Closer

The hottest thing I have seen in ages is American Beauty. The GDMT was enjoyable. The sky was clear, with whispy clouds (tastefully illumined by the sodium vapour lights) and the air was loaded with the smells of, er, pot (clouds and clouds of it, I can smell it on my skin as I write) and cigarettes and yeast, from Kelly's French Bakery. The variety of smells enriched the movie going experience. Plentiful were the stars (I so like the word plentiful.. it has plena, so ave maria, I really don't know what it means, but it has this full, llena, feeling to it, a bit of satis and post-coital abundance).

The only sexual tension was projected on the wherehouse building. I had a knack for only meeting the espoused and homosexual men during the intermission.

I brought the Buffalo Coat, and it did a damn good job of keeping me warm tonight. Its been a great proxy-for-love this last year.

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