Queen of Tarts

for the H
A few days ago, I scanned in some of the art file cards and tried my hand at photoshop-prepared collage components. Not only did it take forever, but I wasn't particularly thrilled with the results. I was seduced with having the power, as it were, to create my perfect bits. I forgot that collage is magical just because the ol' ego is out of control, giving the subconscious, um, something to work with (I cringe when I have to resort to bad psycho-babble). The deliberateness required to manipulate photoshop short-circuited my usual grab-and-paste method. I made a bunch of plain postcards of just the images of JA Duck's "Music Making Company in a Brothel" and Aernout Vinckenborch's "Coronation of the Virgin with Music Makers" (in Atwerp's St Paulus Church) I also took my favorite details and created whole page of postage stamps. Unfortunately, I printed those out on glossy photo paper, so they look fake.
From Heaven to Earth with a few Sharpie Lines
The more I looked at this painting, the weirder it became. Between all the little floating heads (attached to ?), the odd expressions and the nearly possessed nature of the draperies, the elements, taken by themselves are surreal. Additionally, Vinckenborch's anatomy is particularly ridiculous, he ought to take a class in human anatomy with me (what happened to Jesus's latissimus dorsi? and that organist's obnoxious biceps!). What is Mary's hand doing on Jesus's knee? I started by adding lips (because of the printer, her's were nearly washed out), then it all went down the slippery slope to perdition from there. With big red lips, the trio no longer looked appropriately family-like, so the men got big hats and vests, the lady got a bustier and the mood became burlesque-ish.
nb I couldn't find anything in the wiki, or google for either Duck or Vinckenborch. Either I misread the information, or this is a gap in the internet.

also for the H
A Vinckenborch-inspired drawing and postage "stamp." I do admire his grasp of foldology. Gone are the days when an artist's ability to render fabric carried his career, although, it may have been a curse, as well.
The Fine Line Between Heaven and Bawd

for the H
This painting seems mis-titled. I don't know what 17th century Dutch brothels were like, either (I am guessing, because the card included neither a date, nor a country, tho' at the time of printing, it was at the "Netherl.Art Institute"). The activities portrayed look like they could easily happen in a modern coffee shop, with live music, books laying around, and board games. The only suggestive thing is the bed in the background (its clearer in the original, I cropped this version). I wonder if this was supposed to be a self-righteous statement about the wages of bad behavior, or a strange, socially-appropriate portrayal of naughtiness, or perhaps it was both.
I am more scandalized by the bad draftsmanship and questionable dogma of the "Coronation" than the genteel bedroom partiers. My non-marianist theology doesn't have room for a Queen of Heaven, but it has plenty of space for music and fun.
And for something Thoroughly Modern and American

for the KB
I found this art card at a local art school and I thought it could be improved with a Fat Camille sticker. This is an example of why I really love art that has narrative in it. What can I say about pompoms and jelly beans? It certainly has no naughty-potential.
Re your question about Dutch brothels: all the paintings I've seen depict the brothels much like this one does. Yes: men went there to have sex, but that was by no means the only activity that had value. Singing, dancing and general carousing were often all that visitors did while there.
hey John! Thanks for answering my question. :)
You are having a fantastic time with the postcards - fun art - and being sent some great stuff too. (Mine pales of course - but I'm glad you liked it.)
I left you a comment on your Postal Dividends post saying Yes I will be around in August.
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